Make your own DIY homemade face mask filled with natural goodness to nourish your skin cells. Avocado and egg white is a perfect combo for oily/acne prone/combination skin. While avocado hydrates, nourishes and moisturizes skin, egg white tightens pores, has oil control action and lifts up sagging skin. Let's take a closer look at why avocado and egg white are great for skin:

Benefits for Skin
Super food rich in multivitamins and minerals including vitamin e, healthy fat and natural oils. Nourishes, hydrates and preserves moisture in skin cells. Prevents premature aging by fighting off free radicals that cause wrinkles and fine lines on skin by stealing oxygen from healthy skin cells. Contains antiinflammatory properties that help heal acne and inflammatory skin conditions.
Egg white
Rich in protein, multivitamins and minerals, egg whites nourish and hydrate skin. Contains a potent ingredient known as lysozyme which destroys acne causing bacteria by digesting their cell walls. Tightens skin and shrinks large pores. Lifts up sagging cheeks. Fights free radicals which cause premature aging.

How to make an avocado egg white face mask

Knowing the benefits of avocado and egg white makes this face mask become even more beneficial for skin! Scroll down to see how to make an avocado and egg white face mask with tips on how to store and apply the face mask.

What you need:

1 tablepoon of mashed avocado
1 egg white
A fork
A small mixing bowl

1. Fetch all the ingredients you need including a small mixing bowl and a fork for stirring well.

2. In a small mixing bowl, mash the avocado. Add 1 egg white & 1 tablespoon of avocado and whisk thoroughly using a fork.

3. Mix it up for around 30 seconds. Your final mixture should look like this:

How to apply the Face Mask:

  1. Wash your face with a mild cleanser to remove all traces of makeup and dirt. Use warm water to open up pores. Pat dry with a clean soft towel.
  2. Using clean fingertips, slather a thick coat of the avocado egg white face mask onto your clean face using a gentle circular motion. Avoid the area around your eyes and your mouth as skin here is very thin and sensitive and if stretched by the mask, can cause fine lines and wrinkles.
  3. Let the mask sit on your skin for 10 to 15 minutes.
  4. When the time is up, rinse off the mask with cold water. Pat dry with a clean towel. Moisturize with olive oil if needed. Now take the time to marvel at the silky soft feel of your skin!

Top Tips:

  1. Gather your hair away from your face into a ponytail and wear a head band to protect your hairline.
  2. While waiting for the mask to settle, you can lie down and relax, soak in a bath or pamper yourself with a pedicure.
  3. Allow the egg white to reach room temperature before applying it on your face.
  4. Before using any face mask on your face, always use a test patch on your inner elbow to ensure you're not allergic to any of the ingredients.
  5. Feel free to use any extra face mask mixture on your neck, hands or cleavage. Throwing it away would be a total waste. You can store this face mask mixture in the refridgerator for upto 5 days. If you notice any funky smells though, you can dispose of it.

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